Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Why is Credit Repair so Important (part 1 of 2)

Your credit score is what banks and other establishments use to check whether they should approve your purchase, loan or job application. Naturally, this could mean the difference between an approval or a denial and why your credit repair is important should you be denied.

Credit repair is necessary when your credit score is 600 or below. To give you an idea how this is calculated, everyone starts out with a good score but the moment you are late on a payment or a mortgage, this has an affect on your credit score.

Does this always mean you will not be able to get a loan? In some cases no but you will probably get rates which are much higher compared to someone who has a good credit score.

The only way to fix that is by paying off old debts and making sure that it does not happen again.

If you think this can be done overnight, think again because the amount of money you owe might be too big and most people who have had this problem are only able to complete paying it after several months or even years.

Should bankruptcy even be an option? Never because your record will be kept on file for 10 years and you can’t escape it.

You can’t repair your credit similar to your car unless you know what is wrong. To do that, you need to get a copy of your credit report by obtaining this from one of the three credit agencies namely Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.

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